Crafting Your Professional One-Page Web Presence

Elevate your online presence with a sleek, professional single-page website designed to showcase your product or service—perfect for creating that impactful digital first impression.

Imagine having a seamless platform that delivers your company’s core message directly to your audience. Whether it’s an innovative product, a unique service, a transformative course, a heartfelt charity mission, an exciting event, or more, a single-page website is the key to clear and powerful communication.

Forget the clutter of multiple pages and distracting features when simplicity will serve you better. Let your audience discover at a glance who you are, what incredible value you bring to the table, and how they can easily connect with you to take advantage of what you’re offering.

Ready to stand out? Craft your standout digital footprint today with a single-page website that cuts through the noise and resonates with your target audience.

Online presence – Simple

A single-page website as your ‘digital front door’ in a modern layout, to display your business and contact information.
Website setup and design with a premium theme
Display of business and contact details in a modern layout
1.5 hours of professional support for setting up and designing your landing page
A modern and fast website that works well and displays properly on desktop, mobile, tablet

Online presence – Starter

A strong foundation for a single-page website with everything you need to clearly communicate your message to the audience.
Everything from the Simple package.
Basic design tailored to your own character and style
Basic search engine optimization, to be found on Google and other search engines
Contact form
3 hours of professional support for setting up and designing your landing page

Best value

Online presence – Plus

All-inclusive landing page, with extensive support, optimal security, and comprehensive search engine optimization.
Everything from the Starter package
5 hours of professional support for setting up and designing your website
Advanced search engine optimization
Blog page for your own blog
Social media feed with your recent posts
Multiple pages and features possible upon consultation*

Possible features to choose from (part of the Plus package):

  • Social media feed, to display your latest posts from Twitter/X, Facebook, or Instagram
  • Receive payments for your product or service by linking an order form to a payment service (e.g., Mollie or Stripe)
  • Registrations for event sign-ups, with payment processing (e.g., Mollie or Stripe)
  • Testimonial slider – Display customer reviews in a clear and attractive manner
  • Multilingualism: Present your website in different languages

More or other features are possible through consultation.

If you would like more information about what is possible, please contact us.


Karsva Solutions
+31 6 2804 9941


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